Dressing for Success
はれのひ シンデレラ~ウェディングドレスを日本へ!ある女性の挑戦~
Special drama
60 years ago, people usually wore kimono at their wedding. Only three percent of brides wore a wedding dress. Who started a bridal business in an age like that and brought great change to accepted wedding culture? Bridal Fashion Designer Yumi Katsura. In those days, it was rare for a woman to wear a wedding dress and rarer still for a woman to work. Yumi Katsura will celebrate her 60th year as a designer in 2024. What has kept her at the forefront of the industry as a game-changing businesswoman? Now, the life of this remarkable woman whose great achievements are recognized by all has been adapted into a docudrama.
- Duration & Episodes
- 85min. × 1
- Audio
- M&SE
- Japanese Official Site
- https://www.ytv.co.jp/harenohicinderella/
- Casts
- Rin Takanashi (高梨臨)
- Kotaro Koizumi (小泉孝太郎)
- Tomio Umezawa (梅沢富美男)
- Keiko Toda (戸田恵子)
- Honami Suzuki (鈴木保奈美)