Rude to Love 愛に乱暴 2024

Based on Novel Human Drama

ⓒ 2013 Shuichi Yoshida / Shinchosha ⓒ 2024 "Rude to Love"Film Production Committee

Having or not having a spouse, children, or a job. Women today have the “freedom to choose the lives they want”; and yet, they are divided by various social factors. The main character is Momoko, who quits her job upon marriage but a misfortune leaves her childless. Then her husband (Mamoru) has an affair with a younger woman (Nao) and demands a divorce. Learning that she now has no place in her home nor the society, Momoko feels lost and starts showing abnormal behaviors. While Mamoru and his mother (Teruko) are bewildered by Momoko acting strange, there are also fair and unbiased eyes watching her from an unexpected place. Feeling stressed because no one around her sees her worth; and the fear of losing her place grows when her family and the society reject her. The story follows Momoko’s journey through despair and hope.
<Screened at Crystal Globe Competition at the 58th Karlovy Vary Film Festival>

ⓒ 2013 Shuichi Yoshida / Shinchosha ⓒ 2024 "Rude to Love"Film Production Committee


  • Duration & Episodes
  • Audio
  • Japanese Official Site
  • Casts
    • Noriko EGUCHI (江口のりこ)
    • Kotaro KOIZUMI (小泉孝太郎)
    • Jun FUBUKI (風吹ジュン)
    • Fumika BABA (馬場ふみか)